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Small Group Training

Small group training programmes cater for those who wish to get the benefits of a personal trainer, but are happy to train in a small group.  Exercising with a friend motivates and encourages you to push a little harder and is lots of fun!


Do you have a friend you'd like to train with? Perhaps you're in a small group of friends who'd like to improve their health and fitness together.  Please get in touch using the form below so we can tailor make a plan for you.  I look forward to hearing from you!

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PLEASE NOTE: Prices are per person

2 People

5 Sessions - £80

10 Sessions - £150

3 People

5 Sessions - £60

10 Sessions - £110

4 People

5 Sessions - £45

10 Sessions - £80

Small Group Training Enquiry

Thanks for your enquiry!

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